SS7 Attacks Now in your hand with SigPloit Telephone Network hacking

An SS7 attack is an exploit that takes advantage of a weakness in the design of SS7 (Signalling System 7) to enable data theft, eavesdropping, text interception and location tracking.
SS7 attacks can be used to bypass encryption
You can see the implication of hackers and cybercriminals tapping into that kind of data. And this is exactly what is happening. With just your phone number (which is an easily obtainable piece of public information), someone who has hacked into SS7 can:

Forward your calls and record or listen in to them
Read SMS text messages sent between devices
Track the location of a phone.

What’s more worrying is that because SS7 allows attackers to read SMS messages, they can also bypass the end-to-end encryption provided by services such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook, etc. This is possible due to an encryption workaround that uses a flaw in two-factor authentication.

SigPloit: Telecom Signaling Exploitation Framework - SS7, GTP, Diameter & SIP Download, Installation and requirements

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